Saturday, 27 April 2013

A interview of Roger Deakins

Roger Deakins, what advice do you have for aspiring Cinematographers?

You Have to Have Your Own Perspective & Way of Seeing

It might seem obvious at first, but it’s clear that many of the great DPs have developed a very particular perspective not only with their work, but in their lives. This certainly gives their films a distinct character, and it’s one of the reasons you can point out the work of your favorite Cinematographers. I think his comment about it getting harder to be a DP as your profession certainly has some truth to it. There is more competition than ever, and filmmakers are trying to make movies with the least amount of money possible — which doesn’t always mean that you’re getting a healthy salary every time you step on set.

I think if you’re trying to be a DP, it’s also getting harder to simply make it as one kind of DP. Those who familiarize themselves with lots of different kinds of shooting can have an advantage when it comes to finding work. I think just like only being a director of low-budget movies is probably not enough to sustain you, just being a DP of low-budget feature films will probably not be enough either.

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